Uses of Package

  • Class
    The AudioCue class functions as a data line, where the audio data played directly from memory.
    The enum PanType is a repository of functions for volume-based panning for stereo media.Each function takes a linear pan setting as an input, ranging from -1 (100% left) to 1 (100% right) with 0 being the center pan setting.
    The enum VolumeType is a repository of functions used to convert an input in the linear range 0..1 to an attenuation factor, where the input 0 indicating silence and 1 indicating full volume, and the returned factor intended to be multiplied to the PCM values on a per-element basis.
    Represents an event in the life cycle of an AudioCue play back instance and is passed as an argument to objects that implement the AudioCueListener interface and are registered to listen.
    An enumeration of events that occur during the lifetime of an AudioCue instance.
    A listener interface for receiving notifications of events pertaining to an AudioCue and to its individual play back instances.
    An AudioMixer mixes the media content of all the members of a AudioMixerTrack collection into a single output line.
    An interface for classes that make audio data available to an AudioMixer for media play via the read method.